Wednesday, February 15, 2006

WU - Feb 15th, 2006

I’m really sorry, everybody. I’ve been sitting here for about half an hour trying to remember what happened last week and I’m not pulling anything really fantastic out of the air.

Aaron (and yes, that’s how you spell his name) McCann prayed for the first time last Tuesday! It was wonderful. We met with them, had dinner and then (re)taught the first lesson. We left them a copy of Preach My Gospel and committed them to read the first lesson (The Restoration) by Sunday the 12th. When we were finished with the lesson, we asked if we could leave with a word of prayer. They said we could (as always) and we said “This is your home” to Aaron, implying that, being his home, he could choose who he wanted to say the prayer. Before we knew it, HE was praying!!! It was wonderful! It was a sincere and humble prayer. I was so excited! Elder Walton and I both came home that night with the same impression. The McCanns will be baptized! And it will be soon!
Oooohhhhh! I can’t wait!

We also spent a good part of Saturday with just Aaron McCann on Saturday because his wife was out of town (so she couldn’t make it to church on Sunday *frown*) and we’d promised him a game day. So we went to his home, cooked up some killer Breakfast Burritos and played games with him for a while. It was fun and I think he needed that. Just a break… kinda.

We’ve been going to a lot of meetings this past week. It feels like we’ve been in a car more than anything this last week. Just driving from one place to another. It’s a huge waste of time. I need to get my driving records in so that I can drive. That way, we don’t have to wait for a ride all the time.

We have almost nobody in our teaching pool. This is not good. Solution. And area “Blitz”! Tomorrow, the entire district will be in our area for about an hour to go tracting and find people for us to teach. That should be exciting. And once finished in our area, all of us are going to do the same thing in the area right next to us. Because their teaching pool is also low. I hope that will go well. Life as a missionary really is boring when you have no one to teach. “Nothing happens if you have no one to teach”… I heard it again and again in the MTC and I can’t emphasize how true that is!

Well, That’s about it for this week. I’m sure I’ll think of something else that would have been worth mentioning as soon as I send this out, but oh well. I did my best.

By-the-way. If anyone’s wondering why you haven’t heard from my brother, Shaun. It’s because his whole mission got banned from using computers because there were missionaries misusing the privilege. So, still send him mail. He’ll welcome it, I’m sure. But know that he can’t respond to anything for the time being.

I love all of you. This church is true. I’m more convinced of it everyday as I see the Lord’s hand in it. He guides us nearly every step of the way and all that he asks in return is a humble heart and obedience. If you give Him those two things, He will bless you beyond comprehension. I promise you that. Hold true to the Faith! It’s true! If you ever doubt, read the scriptures and sincerely pray to know for yourself if it’s true. You WILL receive an answer. That’s a promise from your Heavenly Father!

Feel free to write me. It really is a welcome sight to read the kind words of a friend, family member or loved one.

Once again, I love you.


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