Wednesday, March 01, 2006

WU - Mar 01st, 2006 - Elder Kukuchi/Priesthood Power

Mar 01st, 2006

Here we are. Another month gone by and I can’t believe how fast all this is going! I’ll have been out for 5 months in less than two weeks!!! Jeez!

Well, this last week was a neat one. I love the priesthood! -For those who are worthy, it is the power to act in God’s name!- I was privileged to give a few blessings this last week. I always feel the spirit when a blessing is being given. How can’t you?! I mean, think of it. When a worthy priesthood holder lays his hands on your head and gives you a blessing, it‘s as if God himself, your Heavenly Father, is right there giving you counsel, guidance and comfort. The blessing is meant just for you and no one else. It is yours from a loving and wise Heavenly Father. That’s magnificent! Anyway. I felt honored to give those blessings and I feel like I learn little bit about the people I’m blessing. One example that I feel comfortable sharing is this:

I was asked by brother Harold Stewart to give his daughter, Saren, a blessing on Sunday. In the blessing I felt impressed to tell her that she was going to meet someone soon who will be ready to hear the gospel from her, but that she had to act quickly when that opportunity presented itself or her chance to share the gospel with whomever that person is would be gone. I told her and finished the blessing (there was a lot more in there that I’m not sharing here. It’s special and sacred. It’s also not mine to share). The spirit was there you could feel it and I felt a little nervous. Well, “nervous” is the wrong word. I wasn’t sure what to think about the blessing I’d just given. Had I said what the spirit wanted me to say? I found out from, pretty much everyone in the room, that the blessing that I had just given Saren, was nearly identical to a blessing she had received earlier (her Patriarchal Blessing, for those of you who might be curious). That made me feel a whole lot better. But still, to know that we all have a Father in Heaven who knows each and every one of us by name. Who is keenly aware of our struggles, circumstances and is always willing to support, guide and counsel. To know that God has given us His power here on Earth, that those who are worthy might extend that support and guidance and counsel that He, Himself would give to those who need it, is a wonderful thought. I’m so glad to know the true nature of God. That He knows me and loves me, just like He knows and loves each of you and everyone else. I love this Gospel! I’m truly honored to where the name of Jesus Christ on my badge. To share His Gospel with all who are willing to hear.

There was something else that happened last weekend that was really cool! We had a zone conference which, in of itself, isn’t fantastic. We have one every transfer (transfer=6 weeks). But what made this one special is that we heard from Elder Kukuchi (sp?) of the quorum of the seventy. As you may know, that’s what’s called a “General Authority”. Anyways, he came and spoke to us. He gave us instruction and guidance. He also gave us suggestions on how we all can improve our missionary work and how we can be better teachers. How do we better teachers, I hear you ask. Teach with the spirit! (See Doctrine and Covenants 42:14) It was awesome. He shared his testimony about Joseph Smith and encouraged all of us to have our own personal “Sacred Grove” experience every morning. In other words, to pray sincerely to our Father in Heaven.

Elder Kukuchi also talked a bit about how we should be as missionaries. He told us that he believed (and this is the second time I’ve heard this now), that as we perform on our missions, so will the rest of our lives be. If we’re “wishy-washy” on our missions, our lives will be “wishy-washy”. If we only give 80%, we’ll only receive 80% of the blessings and happiness that would otherwise be ours. It’s kind of scary if you’re not putting everything you’ve got into your mission and you think about that. But if you are, then that’s wonderful. I want to be the best missionary that I can be. Elder Kukuchi called it being a “Celestial Missionary.” That’s my goal!

Well, there you have it! Take care. I love you! Even those of you who haven’t heard from me for a while. Believe it or not, I am thinking of you and praying for you.

Until next week.


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