Thursday, September 13, 2007

Weekly Update - Sep. 13, 2007

Sep. 13th, 2007
Oh my goodness! I honestly don't think I've had more happen in a week's time then has in the past seven days!!! I've been spiritually enlightened. I have changed as a missionary! What I've learned in the past three days has changed how I think of missionary work and who I am. I don't think I can adequately express the change that I've felt. Let me just say, It's amazing!

Last night, we set three people for baptism! Kenton Daugherty, Bill Fuehring and Barbie (last name?). The Spirit was there as we boldly testified that Jesus is the Christ. That it is ONLY through Him that we can be forgiven of our sins. I am so excited for these last few weeks!

On Monday and Tuesday I had a meeting with all of the Mission Leadership (Zone Leaders, District Leaders, Assistants to the President, Visitor Center Sister Leaders) at the Mission Home. It was the First time I had been there since my first night in the Mission. There were 55 people present is what President Hacking told us. And it was our job to listen, learn and deliver the things we were going to hear to the rest of the Mission! No small task, because the things we talked about were taught with such a powerful Spirit that I have been praying that I can duplicate that power so the other missionaries that I'm supposed to teach will feel the change that I felt. So they can understand the things that I've learned. *deep breathe* I'll do my best and if I'm successful in doing that with just one of the other five missionaries, then I will consider myself successful.

So, after the two day meeting, we had a Zone Conference. Which is another full day meeting. And there, we learned many of the same things (just not as in depth with some of them) and I felt that same Spirit. And President Hacking informed us of a change in the Mission. Preparation Days have been moved to Mondays. So, I will organize my thoughts and do my best to be more detailed then.

I'm sorry if this seemed scattered. I'm usually a bit more graceful in these updates. There's a lot on my mind right now. I heard from two friends that I haven't heard from in a while today and I haven't been able to stop thinking about the things they told me.

So, just know that there is MUCH that is happening. All is well and moving forward and I couldn't be happier. I am so happy to be here. And I am so happy to be a missionary!

Your Son, Brother and Friend:
~Elder Garn Mosiah Penrod


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