Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Weekly Update Apr. 18 2007

Guess what everyone?!

We have a Baptismal SET!!! His Name is David Ackerman and he's AWESOME! We've been teaching him for a little while and he came to General Conference and Stake Conference and he said that he's felt the Spirit tell him that it's all true!!! So he's getting Baptized!!!

I'm so happy! The Lord is truly blessing us for our hard work and obedience!!!

Well, my time's about to expire. I hope you all know I love you!!!

Thank you for everything!

Your Son, Brother and Friend:
~Elder Garn Mosiah Penrod

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

So, General Conference was pretty much amazing!!! I think, for me, I can honestly say it was the best so far. I think that had a large to do with the fact that I was far more spiritually prepared than I've ever been before. And so, my Spirit was able to learn far better than ever before. I loved the talk about Prayer and the one about the Words that we Speak. There was a handful of other ones that I need to internalize when I receive them in next month's Ensign. And I can't wait!!! I thought it was so neat that they rededicated the Tabernacle. I didn't know they were going to do that. But all in all, I really did love all the talks and felt the Spirit's loving guidance throughout the whole of conference.

So, what was your favorite part of Conference?

Know that I think of and pray for you often.

Take Care.

Your Son, Brother and Friend:
~Elder Garn Mosiah Penrod