Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Weekly Update March 29th 2006

Mar 29th, 2006

I cannot wait for General Conference. I’ve really been looking forward to it. I can’t believe how fast time is flying by. I’m coming up on 6 months. That’s insane!!! At this rate, I’m gonna get home and wonder what happened. I need to make sure I use the time I’m given here wisely. This next little bit is for anyone who hasn’t already served a mission yet (or currently serving for that matter):

Don’t waste a single moment!!! You honest and truly don’t have that luxury here. You will regret wasting this precious time. Because it isn’t yours. For the period of your mission, the time you’re given, is the Lord’s time. This is His work and we can’t afford to waste any time. Even on little things. Remember, Satan will trick us into using our time and energy up on something good, to keep us from something better (or more important). That is SO true!!! I just realized a few of those things that I didn’t even think twice about and then it hit me. I was using time I could have spent doing other, more important things, on things that were good, but not as important. I’m not out sinning or anything (so, don’t worry mom *smile*) but I am starting to recognize some of the little things that really do matter and make a difference on how effective I am. SO DON’T WASTE A SINGLE MOMENT! Work so much that you can hardly stand it and you will never regret it. I promise you that!

Well, the work here is moving along. Albeit, slowly, but it’s moving. Poor Barbara Fagan wasn’t feeling at all well on Sunday or the days following. So, we’ve since not been able to meet with her again. But we will. She’s so sweet. I love teaching her. I hope she keeps listening to the Gospel. We’re going to invite her to attend General Conference with us this weekend. So, we’ll keep our fingers crossed for that. (All of you can feel free to say a little prayer for that too.) We’ve also been working with Robert this last week. He’ll be at general conference. I’m glad for that. All he needs now is to just give up smoking and he’ll be ready to be baptized. He wants to be baptized so bad. He just hasn’t been able to give up smoking yet. We’ve been giving him cinnamon sticks and everything so hopefully it’ll work this time. I’m praying for him too.

Well, take care everybody. Know that you’re in my prayers. I pray for all of you. Many of you by name. The Lord knows you and hears not only my prayers, but yours also. Thank you for all the support and the kind words of encouragement that you’ve given me. I am truly grateful and thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Your brother, son and friend;

~Elder Penrod

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Weekly Update - Mar 22nd, 2006

Late. Again, I know. I'm sorry. But here it is.

Thank you all for your patience.

Mar 22nd, 2006

Last week was a good week. There were lots of meetings and a lot of the extra time was spent with a new investigator. Her name is Barbara Fagan. She's so sweet. She moved here (Derby, KS) from Richmond, Virgina (what is the abbreviated version? "VA"?) right before I got here. I got to Derby on a Wednesday and she got here the Sunday before me. Here's how we met her. You tell me this isn't cool. So elder Bascom and I are playing pool and she walks in and asks me: "What is God to you?" I had never been approached like that on my mission (and, now that I think about it, EVER) so I was a little surprised but, answered her question. "God is the loving Father of our spirits... He knows each of us by name and knows our struggles and weaknesses... He loves us so much and He's ALWAYS there, listening whenever we pray and helping us whenever we ask..."

I said a lot more to her. I shared with her a good deal of what we teach as missionaries in about 2 minutes or so. And then, Elder Bascom hopped in and shared his testimony that God is our loving Father in Heaven and a few other things. We’ve since visited with her a few more times and I really like her. She’s so nice.

Today was a fun day! Why? Because we went paintballing!!! It was so much fun! Elder Bascom and I were on a team and we went with a bunch of the young men from our ward. Our team won all but 3 games! We played about 10 and we trashed them! It was so much fun! Elder Bascom and I went and played the whole day wearing some Goodwill suits. I wore a brown one and he wore a silver one. We actually looked really slick and it was probably a strange sight (not to mention, slightly demoralizing) to get shot by someone wearing a 70’s style suit. It was really neat. We had a few pictures. I’ll have to see about getting those.

I had the chance to finally meet some of the ward members. I like them. I still have no idea who most of them are, but I really liked the people who I met. There are a few families that really stuck out to me and I’m looking forward to getting to know more about them. I also got to meet one of the investigators we’ve been teaching. His name’s Robert. He’s been trying to give up smoking for a while now. He just won’t take the pen! (Have I told you about the “pen analogy”? If not, someone let me know and I’ll be sure to tell all of you. It’s really good!) But he’s a nice guy. We’re going to help him clean out his place tomorrow. It helps him a lot to have us come over and get rid of stuff that shouldn’t be there. e.g. (cigs, coffee, etc.) So we do our best to help him.

I’ve been doing a lot of consolidating lately of just about everything. Notes, entries, clothes, everything! I’m not liking how much stuff I have and how disorganized it all is. My poor companion has to see a super-messy desk every day and it’s because I’m trying to get everything all sorted. I’m used to doing that task with a computer and it’s been really interesting having limited use to one. But it’s coming along. The thing I’m most excited about is the journal I’m keeping. I like how its come together.

Well, I have to go. I love you all. Take care. Know that you’re in my prayers. Thank you all for the many prayers on my behalf and the support you’ve given me.

Your brother, son and friend;

~Elder Penrod

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

PAINTBALL - We trashed 'em!!!

Today we had a BLAST playing paintball!

I'll write more about it later (and maybe some pictures too!)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

WU - Derby, KS - Mar 15th, 2006

Mar 15th, 2006

Well, I'm now writing everyone from the State of Kansas. I think that so far, the best definition for my 6 days spent here is: un-exciting. But that's okay. I'm fine with that. My new companion is a one Elder Bascom. He's the district leader for this neck of the woods and I enjoy him. He's cool and level-headed but not afraid to laugh or have fun. He's a good, well-rounded guy. I'll be looking forward to reporting the Missionary Work's progress in this area as I serve with him.

Last week, I was unable, due to time constrictions, to write my weekly update to everybody. But, in all honesty, there really wasn’t much to report. I was able to say goodbye to the families that I was really going to miss and give them my contact info and all that jazz. I can’t really remember that far back. (Sad, I know. Good thing I’m keeping a fairly good journal, huh?)

This last Sunday was this Stake’s Stake Conference (Stake Conference, for anyone who may not already know, is a big meeting where multiple wards (or groups of people who live in a geographical location) gather to listen to speakers and learn from their leaders. So, as a result, I have no idea who I’ll be working with this next transfer and I won’t until Sunday. Oh, well. That’s fine with me.

We’ve only successfully met with one of our investigators and have had no new finds since I’ve been here. But that will hopefully change soon.

I’m alive and well. Actually, NOW I’m well. I had the stomach flu on Monday. I couldn’t keep ANYTHING down. It was horrible, I hate being sick. I’m never sick. In fact, I realized that I’ve been more sick on my mission than I ever have before and I’m convinced it’s because of where I am. I don’t imagine that I will be living here… ever! (I know, I’ve just “condemned myself.” But I have the cure! Ready?! Knock on wood! HA!)

I’ve been out for just over 5 months now! I can’t believe it! That, I think is safe to say, the fastest moving five months I’ve ever experienced! It’ll all be 1/4th over before I know what happened.

Well, I have to go. There’s a few thing that we need to get done before we pass off the car. Oh yeah! We have a car in this area again! My last area, we didn’t have a car while I served with elder Walton. So, I’m excited for that.

Anyways, until next week. I love you all!

~Elder Penrod

P.S. Here's my new address again. Just in case...
1500 E TAll Tree Rd
Apt# 36-102
Derby, KS

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I've been Transferred! - New Address

I've been transferred everyone! I haven't had a chance to write the weekly update yet. I need to finish packing because I leave tomorrow! I wish I didn't have to leave these people. I've come to love them very much. But, I guess I'll get to fall in love with a whole new group of people.

Here's my new address, just in case I don't get the weekly update off in time (and it doesn't look like I'm going to):

1500 E. Tall Tree Rd. 36-102
Derby, KS

I love each and every one of you! Even if you haven't heard from me in a while. (You'll know who you are soon.)

Always remember that this Gospel, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, will bring you direction, comfort, knowledge and above all JOY and happiness. Study and learn. Knock, Ask and receive.

Your friend;
~Elder Penrod

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Happy Birthday Megan!!!

Happy Birthday Megan!!!

You are my Best Friend!!! And I'm so excited that you're in New York having a blast there. Don't get too party-crazy. *wink*

I'm thinking of you and I can't wait to hear how it all went. Send me pictures!

I love you!!!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

WU - Mar 01st, 2006 - Elder Kukuchi/Priesthood Power

Mar 01st, 2006

Here we are. Another month gone by and I can’t believe how fast all this is going! I’ll have been out for 5 months in less than two weeks!!! Jeez!

Well, this last week was a neat one. I love the priesthood! -For those who are worthy, it is the power to act in God’s name!- I was privileged to give a few blessings this last week. I always feel the spirit when a blessing is being given. How can’t you?! I mean, think of it. When a worthy priesthood holder lays his hands on your head and gives you a blessing, it‘s as if God himself, your Heavenly Father, is right there giving you counsel, guidance and comfort. The blessing is meant just for you and no one else. It is yours from a loving and wise Heavenly Father. That’s magnificent! Anyway. I felt honored to give those blessings and I feel like I learn little bit about the people I’m blessing. One example that I feel comfortable sharing is this:

I was asked by brother Harold Stewart to give his daughter, Saren, a blessing on Sunday. In the blessing I felt impressed to tell her that she was going to meet someone soon who will be ready to hear the gospel from her, but that she had to act quickly when that opportunity presented itself or her chance to share the gospel with whomever that person is would be gone. I told her and finished the blessing (there was a lot more in there that I’m not sharing here. It’s special and sacred. It’s also not mine to share). The spirit was there you could feel it and I felt a little nervous. Well, “nervous” is the wrong word. I wasn’t sure what to think about the blessing I’d just given. Had I said what the spirit wanted me to say? I found out from, pretty much everyone in the room, that the blessing that I had just given Saren, was nearly identical to a blessing she had received earlier (her Patriarchal Blessing, for those of you who might be curious). That made me feel a whole lot better. But still, to know that we all have a Father in Heaven who knows each and every one of us by name. Who is keenly aware of our struggles, circumstances and is always willing to support, guide and counsel. To know that God has given us His power here on Earth, that those who are worthy might extend that support and guidance and counsel that He, Himself would give to those who need it, is a wonderful thought. I’m so glad to know the true nature of God. That He knows me and loves me, just like He knows and loves each of you and everyone else. I love this Gospel! I’m truly honored to where the name of Jesus Christ on my badge. To share His Gospel with all who are willing to hear.

There was something else that happened last weekend that was really cool! We had a zone conference which, in of itself, isn’t fantastic. We have one every transfer (transfer=6 weeks). But what made this one special is that we heard from Elder Kukuchi (sp?) of the quorum of the seventy. As you may know, that’s what’s called a “General Authority”. Anyways, he came and spoke to us. He gave us instruction and guidance. He also gave us suggestions on how we all can improve our missionary work and how we can be better teachers. How do we better teachers, I hear you ask. Teach with the spirit! (See Doctrine and Covenants 42:14) It was awesome. He shared his testimony about Joseph Smith and encouraged all of us to have our own personal “Sacred Grove” experience every morning. In other words, to pray sincerely to our Father in Heaven.

Elder Kukuchi also talked a bit about how we should be as missionaries. He told us that he believed (and this is the second time I’ve heard this now), that as we perform on our missions, so will the rest of our lives be. If we’re “wishy-washy” on our missions, our lives will be “wishy-washy”. If we only give 80%, we’ll only receive 80% of the blessings and happiness that would otherwise be ours. It’s kind of scary if you’re not putting everything you’ve got into your mission and you think about that. But if you are, then that’s wonderful. I want to be the best missionary that I can be. Elder Kukuchi called it being a “Celestial Missionary.” That’s my goal!

Well, there you have it! Take care. I love you! Even those of you who haven’t heard from me for a while. Believe it or not, I am thinking of you and praying for you.

Until next week.

Sometimes, you don't get to understand

While I was praying a few nights ago, I finished and asked for direction. "What would you have me do?", I asked. "Stop writing Megan", came the clear response.


I started to cry. I didn't understand. "Is this a punishment?", I asked. "No," was my answer.

“Will I be able to write her again soon”, I begged. “Yes.”

"Then WHY?!" ... silence was my answer.

Why would God ask me to do this? Megan is one of the few people that I try and write to often. She's my best friend and I always find comfort and happiness in writing her. I had a package that I was ready to send to her and her birthday was coming up soon. I had planned on doing a cute little something for her and sending her, at LEAST, an email saying happy birthday. Would she think that I’d forgotten her? There would be no way of telling her that I couldn’t write her for a while without being disobedient. Why would God ask me to do this?!

I decided to go to sleep. I was scared and tired. There is relatively little that I really truly desire in this life. And right now, I was being withheld from that. I decided that I would pray again the next day, “just in case” I hadn’t understood the answer I’d received correctly.

The next day I asked similar questions and received the same impressions, the same answers. Only this time, I was more submissive. I thought to myself: “Okay. You’ve poured out your heart unto God regarding Megan many times. He’s answered your prayers for everything else so far. He knows what’s best for you. Maybe, for some strange reason that is unknown to me, this is what needs to happen at the moment. After all, you know this isn’t a punishment. If you follow the counsel you’re given. You will be blessed.”

I decided to obey the direction I was given. And so, as a result, I won’t be writing my best friend this week. But I am posting this message, because she doesn’t know about this site (almost no one does) and so, I know it won’t be defeating the purpose. That way, when the time is right, she will understand.

I know I’m early but, Happy Birthday!!! I hope you’re having fun in New York! I have a few things ready to send you as soon as I can.

I think of you often.

I love you!

~Elder Garn