Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Weekly Update - June 28th, 2006

June 28th, 2006
Well, this is the last day I'll be here at the Golf Course. We've been moving for the past few days which means we've accomplished a lot less missionary work than we'd like to. We'll be glad when the whole move is done. The Assistants (the "APs") helped us move our furniture on Monday and we've been moving everything else on our own since then. Not to mention cleaning and all that other stuff. But hey, it's almost done. (Hooray!)

  Okay, on with the good stuff. You know, the missionary side of everything? Well, Frank Kidd is still Awesome and still set for Baptism as far as we know. We aren't going to do it this Saturday because he wasn't able to make it to church. We think there was a miscommunication as far as the rides were concerned and so we'll make sure that doesn't happen again. We were really bummed we didn't see him there and so, we called him a lot and he wouldn't answer our calls! So we went to go see him and he didn't answer his door! We were really worried and we didn't know what to do other than keep praying for him and keep trying to call him. So we did. We got through to him yesterday and he told us that his life has been really hectic lately and that he'd tell us everything when see him again. So, we'll see what's up then. Say a prayer for him and us both if you can.

  Also, yesterday we had President's interviews. I love going to see the President! I asked him for a blessing which he gladly gave me. I love the priesthood! I know I now have the strength to carry on stronger and more valiant than before and I'm so thankful for that. I needed that boost.

  Elder Shinkle and I are getting along great. He's a great teacher and a wonderful companion. I'm glad to be serving with him here in Derby. I love this ward too. I'm not so sure I'm going to stay another transfer here and if that's the case, than I know I'm going to miss them all a great deal.

  One more thing before I takeoff to play ramball (what's "ramball"? Keep reading). Last night we set someone else for Baptism!!! Her name is Trista. She's a mother of two and married to a serviceman who works at McConnell AFB and all she has to do is quit smoking. If all goes well, she'll be baptized on July 15th! She is certainly in our prayers and I'm excited that the work is moving along so well. I'm honored to be a part of that.

I love being a missionary! I thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart for all the love and support you give me.

Your Son, brother and friend:
 ~Elder Penrod

P.S. Ramball = A super fun game you play with a basketball on a tennis court. I'll tell you more about sometime. Shaun, You'd love to play this with your district!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Weekly update - June 14th 2006

June 14th, 2006
Hello, everybody! This last week was somewhat exciting. We've been tracting (tracting=knocking on peoples' doors) like CRAZY and so, we've been finding people who are letting come back to visit them later. I hope they're there! But if not, just finding the people is fairly exciting.

I sang in church on Sunday! I sang "How will they know?" from the children's primary songbook with Nathan Cross. He's a great guy who's getting ready to go on his mission. I love the entire Cross family and they're getting ready to move back to California where they came from. I'm sad to see them go and I'm going to miss them a lot! But we sang it and it sounded beautiful! We had gorgeous harmonies and we sounded really good together. Nathan's sister, Laura, played the piano for us and she was perfect! It was great. I love to sing!

Hey, guess what everyone?! I don't think I mentioned this in these updates (which is crazy that I didn't!), but I found this out at the conference we had with elder Bednar. The McCanns got baptized!!! Holy cow, I was so excited to hear that. Elder Walton, who's seems to have matured quite a bit (I like him again. Not that I hated him before or anything, mind you), told me that they were getting baptized when I saw him at the conference. I was so happy that tears of joy started to flow from my eyes. I love that family and I was so happy to learn that they'd accepted the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I'd been praying for them for a long time and to learn that my prayers had finally been answered was something that brought me great happiness. I love being a missionary!!! I love seeing peoples' countenances light up as they learn of and embrace the gospel.

On a different note, I did something I never thought I'd do today. I went golfing. We live in a country club and so, my companion and I can golf for free (as opposed to paying $40-$55 dollars!!!). So, since we're moving at the end of the month, we decided to go. It was kind of fun, but I decided that golfing, by and large, is completely and utterly overrated in the extreme! It was by no means fun enough to constitute the exorbitant amounts of money that it costs to play the game. It was hardly even $20 dollars fun, which is what we paid today ($10 a piece). But, at least now I can say I've played the game. And I might even do it again… if there was NOTHING else to do. And someone else paid for me. And they don't mind the fact that I stink! Because, I'll tell you what, hitting that ball well really does take a lot of skill.

Well, everyone. When I've something to report, I'll report it. But for now, know that I am working hard, living the gospel and striving to become a little better each day. Thank you for all the support that you provide. Whether it be through your prayers or your letters/emails, know that it is greatly appreciated and I'm grateful for it.

I love you all!

Your Son, Brother and Friend;
~Elder Penrod
P.S. If there are things you'd like me to particularly mention or talk about in these updates, just let me know and I'll do what I can. Thanks.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Weekly Update - June 7th, 2006

June 7th, 2006
Alrighty! So, guess what?! Yesterday I got to go to the zoo! Isn’t that exciting?! 10 Elders all went as volunteers and we all helped there doing miscellaneous tasks like weeding, and cleaning animal food trays and stuff like that. We also got to feed the Chimpanzees! So, that was all lots of fun.

My new, companion, elder Shinkle is a great guy. He likes to work too! So, that’s awesome! I’m really excited to teach with him.

As far as the people we’re teaching right now. We have a few that I’m really excited for! I really hope to see them progress and accept the gospel. I know that they will love the gospel and I think they are all really listening and thinking about what we share with them. But, more importantly, I believe they are praying about what we share with them. And that’s the most important part! I mean, we can talk and teach and testify until the sun goes down and we’re both blue in the face and that would be fine and all, but it would do very little for whomever we’re teaching. Because the spirit is what tells them that what we’re teaching is true. And when they pray and ask God for an answer for themselves about what we’re teaching, then the spirit can answer their prayers and then they’ll KNOW! They won’t have to just trust us anymore, because they’ll know for themselves. Because they received their own answer. I love that! As a missionary, all I really do us teach, testify and invite the spirit. It is then totally up to the people that we’re teaching whether or not they’ll pray about it and see if it’s true. Whether or not to use their faith and just ASK their Father in Heaven. I know that when we pray sincerely, our Heavenly Father answers us. He might not right away, but He always answers.

The weather here is getting very, very warm. Now, when I say “warm”, I actually mean “hot!” And that wouldn’t be so bad, because I like the heat. What makes this whole weather thing somewhat problematic is the fact that it hasn’t been anything less than 90% humidity in the past few months!!! It’s sticky!!! Yuck!!! So, wherever you are, whoever you may be. If you think the weather’s miserable where you are now, take comfort in knowing that far away, in the land of Derby… it’s WORSE for elder Penrod! *chuckle*

Well, everyone. I’m hoping that you all find these updates to be informative, entertaining, enlightening and all that jazz. I enjoy writing them and trying to keep everyone posted.

I love you and I’m am very grateful for your prayers, your support and your love. They all mean very much to me. So, thank you!

Your son, brother and friend;
~Elder Penrod