Weekly Update March 29th 2006
Mar 29th, 2006
I cannot wait for General Conference. I’ve really been looking forward to it. I can’t believe how fast time is flying by. I’m coming up on 6 months. That’s insane!!! At this rate, I’m gonna get home and wonder what happened. I need to make sure I use the time I’m given here wisely. This next little bit is for anyone who hasn’t already served a mission yet (or currently serving for that matter):
Don’t waste a single moment!!! You honest and truly don’t have that luxury here. You will regret wasting this precious time. Because it isn’t yours. For the period of your mission, the time you’re given, is the Lord’s time. This is His work and we can’t afford to waste any time. Even on little things. Remember, Satan will trick us into using our time and energy up on something good, to keep us from something better (or more important). That is SO true!!! I just realized a few of those things that I didn’t even think twice about and then it hit me. I was using time I could have spent doing other, more important things, on things that were good, but not as important. I’m not out sinning or anything (so, don’t worry mom *smile*) but I am starting to recognize some of the little things that really do matter and make a difference on how effective I am. SO DON’T WASTE A SINGLE MOMENT! Work so much that you can hardly stand it and you will never regret it. I promise you that!
Well, the work here is moving along. Albeit, slowly, but it’s moving. Poor Barbara Fagan wasn’t feeling at all well on Sunday or the days following. So, we’ve since not been able to meet with her again. But we will. She’s so sweet. I love teaching her. I hope she keeps listening to the Gospel. We’re going to invite her to attend General Conference with us this weekend. So, we’ll keep our fingers crossed for that. (All of you can feel free to say a little prayer for that too.) We’ve also been working with Robert this last week. He’ll be at general conference. I’m glad for that. All he needs now is to just give up smoking and he’ll be ready to be baptized. He wants to be baptized so bad. He just hasn’t been able to give up smoking yet. We’ve been giving him cinnamon sticks and everything so hopefully it’ll work this time. I’m praying for him too.
Well, take care everybody. Know that you’re in my prayers. I pray for all of you. Many of you by name. The Lord knows you and hears not only my prayers, but yours also. Thank you for all the support and the kind words of encouragement that you’ve given me. I am truly grateful and thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Your brother, son and friend;
~Elder Penrod